Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

Happy 1-11-11! A few inches of snow fell today - the kids watched it and Kendall couldn't wait to go outside to play.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

January 9, 2011

A picture taken with Kendall's camera. She requested this photo to send to Aunt Bev & Uncle Jim (the coloring book & pencils were a Christmas gift from them).
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January 8, 2011

While we took down the Christmas tree, Jacob spent about 3 hours building a super-duper paper airplane. With bombers and missles, of course.
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January 7, 2011

Can you tell the season? Yes...winter = dry hands! This is the normal stash next to the kitchen sink these days.
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January 6, 2011

Gymnast Kendall.
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Januray 5, 2011

Time to see the real doctor! Jacob has been complaining of chest pain off and on for about 10 days. Everything checked out fine...Dr. Clark believes it to be heartburn.
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January 4, 2011

If only going to the real doctor was as much fun!
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Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011: Game Time

Kendall received Scrabble Junior for Christmas. We have played it 10,548 times since.
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January 2, 2011: Time to get organized!

Anyone else have nests like these?
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January 1, 2011: Happy New Year!

Kendall looking 'fancy' for the new year!
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