Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009

Jacob was rocking out to "The Joker" by the Steve Miller Band on Guitar Hero! I have some awesome goodies to scrap this with...I can't wait to get my laptop so I can work more comfortably on my stuff. Today marks 2 weeks since I purchased it on eBay. It's a long story, but the seller left on vacation thinking his assistant would mail it out. The assistant didn't. He just arrived home from his 'holiday' and will ship it out tomorrow. But, get this, he won't 2nd-day-air it because it's too expensive. Well......I replied back to insist his "assistant" make up the difference in the shipping cost! Ugh. I'm not sure what kind of feedback to leave. I guess I'll determine that when I actually get the thing....

We are getting more quotes on countertops downstairs. Mark is finishing up the flooring tonight, so I'll be on clean-up duty tomorrow.

I'm anxious to watch the news tonight to see how all the elections turned out. I'm thinking there will be a clear, conservative message delivered in the way of local, state, and national elections. I'm especially curious for the NY-23rd district outcome. Christine, is that your jurisdiction?? I've been meaning to look it up, knowing that it's upstate NY...

Until tomorrow.

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