Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well, So Much for THAT!

OK - so I didn't do so well, updating the blog over the summer. Ugh! I think I'll do my daily photo post again in 2011. In the meantime, I'll just post random pics and thoughts, as time permits.

I had my 2009 posts printed into a hard-bound book and it is awesome to look through. I printed it through - actually the "techie" term is "slurping." So, I *slurped* the blog into a 220 page book format. The kids love looking through it. I love that it keeps those memories FRESH. I am regretting my lack of blogging in 2010.

There's always next year!
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TechChick said...

I think we should both take on this challenge again in 2011! I took pictures every day this summer, but haven't done a thing with them :( I love your blog book, maybe I'll do that instead of the time intensive scrapbooking thing.

johnsarakylenesmom said...

I just found that you did do some updating since I last logged on to your blog. I loved your book and I'm inspired to maybe start a picture a day in 2011 because I won't have 2010 scrapbooked yet :) Have you done any more of the month of menus since March? Just wondering if it's worth the time-intensiveness of the one day for the rest of the month. Let me know your thoughts. I miss you and hope you keep up the blog next year...I love seeing the everyday life of you makes me feel like I'm a little closer and maybe there will be a roadtrip to NY to blog about in 2011 :) (Like that non-so-subtle hint). Love ya!!