Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Obviously, I'm not keeping up with the 365/daily blog like I did last year. I am working on getting the blog printed into a hardbound book. I will post those pictures when I get the book finished.

The month of January and February were spent battling my back issues. At points, I couldn't walk. Mark had to help me in the bathroom (ugh). I still am not 100%...even slept with a pillow beneath my knees and motrin last weekend. I should go see my family doctor to get an opinion: physical therapy (Christine) and an inversion table (Joe and cousin, Brad) have been suggested to me as well. I have not returned to the chiropractor...I'm just not fully comfortable with that solution. The most odd thing is that my right leg has been numb for about a month now. Yes, I know, I should be calling the doctor rather than blogging! But, I am functional and can do most things with caution.

Kendall and Jacob have started swimming lessons. Their second lesson is tonight and they are very excited to go. We ended up getting a family membership to the YMCA. I can envision swim, dance, basketball classes are in our future.

Jacob is enjoying school and has grown taller recently. Oh, and we got his feet measured for shoes a couple weeks ago and his shoes jumped 2 sizes! I even let him ride his bike last week to a neighbor boy's, Frankie's, house. He did not have to cross any streets and I can see the back of the other boy's house from ours. Frankie's mother did tell me that she was on the lookout for him to come over and saw that he went up the sidewalk of the wrong house - right next door! I guess the houses look different when Mom isn't with him! :)

Kendall has a little playmate, Lauren, in the neighborhood. Lauren is a little porcelain doll! She and Kendall play very sweetly together and enjoy their time together about once a week or so. Kendall is still dancing her heart out when she can. And, you can either find her in a swimsuit or a frilly dance dress most days....when we're at home, of course! She cannot wait for warmer weather to play in the sandbox. She asks me constantly if it is warm enough to do that.

Mark is enjoying the basement. He hosted a poker night with some coworkers a few weeks ago. He either plays wii (Guitar Hero) or watches TV down there most nights. He is also looking forward to golf season starting next month.

That's the update for now. I am going to post about my big cooking day next. :)

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