Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010

The kids ended up staying the night last night at Grandma & Grandpa C.'s. This morning I re-injured my back (that was just getting better) trying to clean the shower. Ugh. It's the same spot that I hurt a couple years ago - I definitely remember! It spasms if I move a certain way or breathe too deep.

I decided I would try massage therapy today. I really think it helped the area that I hurt last week - it seems to now be completely gone. But, it did nothing for this morning's injury - it was cramped up during the massage - of course, they want me to come back in a week or two! I hope to be completely healed by then. Meanwhile, I am really getting tired of sitting around. The house is getting dirtier and I'm getting flabbier!

Tonight, Jacob and Mark watched Transformers 2. Kendall and I weren't interested in watching it, so we played Hungry-Hungry Hippos and Guess Who. Fun was had by all!
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