Saturday, January 9, 2010

December 20, 2009

I do not want to forget to mention that we got a NEW CAMERA. Mark ordered it new from eBay. Our "old" Kodak camera is exactly 5 years old! It has been such a good camera...I could always depend on the quality of pictures from it. We went through a spell of sending it in for repair, but other than that, I never used another camera that I liked better. So, we stuck with Kodak on this purchase, too. Mark thinks the 14.1 megapixel, HD photos will look great projected on the big screen in the basement!! :)

Mark is beginning to "move into" the basement. He brought down his two electric guitars and his amp from storage and set them up in the basement. He started to play through some of his music. It was the first time the kids ever heard him play. They were in awe! :)
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