Saturday, January 9, 2010

December 25, 2009

The kids actually slept in today! We were about to wake Jacob up at 8:30 when he came sauntering down the stairs.

The kids were lucky enough to get lots of presents from Santa. Glitter Glue was on the top of Kendall's list and Legos were most wanted by Jacob. We got the kids some clothes (Kendall now has a shirt that says "My Daddy Rocks!") and video chairs.

Grandma & Grandpa C. came over this morning and we opened their gifts. The kids had SO many presents! The highlight was the frogs that each of the kids got! Now we have to figure out what to name them.

We headed over to Grandma & Grandpa P's house in the afternoon. Joe, Kim, and kids arrived from Illinois and we spent the rest of the evening opening presents, eating a ham dinner, and catching up with each other.

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