Saturday, January 9, 2010

November 4 - Present

Well, it has been a while, my friends! I got off track and once one, two, three weeks passed without updating the blog, it became too daunting a task to tackle amongst the holidays (in my mind). I am a bit laid-up for a few days with a bad back, trying not to do things I shouldn't, so I thought it was a perfect time to update the old blog.

We took 2,343 pictures in 2009....mostly thanks to keeping this blog. I continued to take pictures during my 2 month absence, but not with my normal diligence.

This happened to be my last photo taken in 2009:

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Just happened to check in today!! Glad to read about the last couple of months. Are you going to do this for 2010, too, or was it too much work for you? It's fun for those of who read it and I know you'll appreciate it in the future!! Love ya!!