Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

Well, I've certainly let the blog go! Plus, I've been lax with taking pictures. Hmmm...maybe our laid-back summer days have gone a bit too far! I've got to get back on top of things. To start with, I'll just update the last week or so in one BIG post!

The highlights of the last week were:
1.) Kendall got her cast removed last Thursday. Woo Hoo! She was back swinging on the monkey bars (and giving me a heart-attack) as soon as Friday! She just started using her right hand again to write and eat with. She seems to be doing fine.

July 16
2.) Last Friday night, a neighbor invited a bunch over for a "Craft/Scrapbooking" night. Since I do not have a laptop (much to my chagrin, you all know!), I must leave my digital scrapbooking at home. So, I took along a couple crafty things to do: I made Kendall a 'tu-tu' and made some more pony tail streamers.

July 17

3.) Saturday, I ran some errands by myself in the morning....they included going to Clothes Mentor, which I love. It's a women's resale shop. They are very particular in what they accept: brand-name clothing, not older than 2 years. They always have an abundance of a certain brand (ann taylor loft) that is good quality and fits me well. Since I had "my time" in the morning, Mark golfed in the afternoon.

4.) Sunday was a family outing day. We didn't do anything very interesting, other than drive around car lots and go to a couple different places. This picture was taken as the kids and I waited in the car while Mark went into a golf shop. We also stopped at an "Air Dog" competition, where dogs jump into a pool from a dock, competing for the longest jump.

July 19

5.) Monday began our week of Vacation Bible School. Kendall had her FIRST DANCE class! (another mom took a picture for me...I'm waiting for it emailed to me).
6.) Our neighborhood bunco group met at our house last night. A broken glass and a trapped chipmunk made for an exciting night!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 13, 2009

We met the neighborhood playgroup at the "recycle" park in the morning. Then, Lisa invited us over again to swim in their pool. All of a sudden, Jacob began to swim. First, I videoed him swimming around in his arm inflatables. Then, I told him to take them off and try. Whoa! He just took off swimming! I grabbed my camera again and here is what we have: a fish!

July 12, 2009

This is what Mark worked on while we stayed the night at the lake. He stained 5 doors and their casings. And he bought some moldings for his next staining project. He said it was "eerie and weird" being home alone!

July 11, 2009

The kids and I headed up to the lake. Mark stayed home to get some things done in the basement. Once we were at the lake, we put our bathing suits on and hit the water! Here's a picture of Jacob floating on an alligator! Note his gape-toothed smile.

We also got together with a few cousins for some good food and company!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July Photo Links are Fixed

Hi! The link to the 4th of July pictures was faulty on my July 5th posting: Here is the corrected link...

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, 2009

TGIF! Well, I was catching up on the blog tonight and was caught without a photo. So, here is where the magic happens! Ha! The office. A bit cluttered with papers, but a workable area for sure!

We didn't do much today. I cleaned and played with the kids. I made pizza on the, how do you get floppy pizza dough on the grill grate without it folding, stretching, tearing? It was tricky, I tell you!

Mark finished his first full week with a new job position. He really likes it, but he has been bombarded with projects. So, the evenings at home have been a little shorter for him. He has decided to stay home this weekend and work on the basement/go to a car show while the kids and I go up to the lake.

Oh, and Jacob has another loose tooth!

July 9, 2009

We headed to Target's dollar aisle today so Jacob could spend (yes, spend) his tooth fairy money ($2 this time...she was very generous this time around). Jacob was so nice and got silly putty for Kendall out of his money. Awww....

Aunt Bev and Mom stopped by this afternoon to pick up a few of the daylilies I split. That was a nice visit.

It's Mark's golf night, so the kids and I took a LOOOONG walk around the neighborhood. It was one of those walks where Jacob started out riding his scooter and Kendall started out pushing her baby in her baby stroller. By the end of the walk, the scooter was wedged in the stroller and Jacob was pushing it, while I carried Kendall piggy-back. It was fun, though....we've been walking back to a cul-de-sac FILLED with kids (I guess 14 kids 8 and under!). They are always out playing with each other and my kids join in to have some fun. Very nice.

Jacob got ready for bed and I brought the camera up to take a picture of his gap-toothed smile from losing his front tooth yesterday (pic 1). Well, after I crossed the hall and was reading Kendall a bedtime book, he comes in with ANOTHER tooth in his hand! Jeez! So, of course, I had to take another picture (pic 2). We have a dentist appointment at the end of the month...I think he should have a reduced rate since he's missing so many teeth! :)

Pic 1

Pic 2

July 8, 2009

Well, I found myself at 11pm without a photo for the day! I decided to take a picture of my Keurig coffeemaker that brews the stuff I look so forward to in the morning. Mom found a "deal" on one a while back. I have a brew insert to use my own coffee instead of buying the expensive "cups." It also makes tea, hot chocolate, and a variety of coffees.

Jacob lost his 4th tooth today....his first FRONT tooth! He was so excited!

The weather has been beautiful here. The kids have been playing inside and outside & Anna has come over a couple days in a row to play with them. I have been working on a golf outing fundraiser for the kids' preschool in my spare time....getting a registration form and flyer put together. That's been a fun project, even though I've been up way too late working on it!

I'm still running, training for a 5k in September. I'm up to running 5 minute intervals and walking in between.. At that length of time, I find that I'm finding my "rhythm" where my body kind of takes over....ahhh, memories of high school cross country/track days! I've been going out to run between 9 & 9:30 and it has been a nice way to end my day.

July 7, 2009

Today, I split our daylilies in the front yard, in preparation of installing landscape stone. It was one of few times I wish I had more "butt" to jump on the shovel to split them! I must have been quite the sight :). I ended up removing two and splitting all the rest. The picture was a "before" shot.

July 5, 2009

Mark and Dad golfed in the morning, then we headed out to Aunt Jo's. It was so good to see Pam, Wayne and ALL the girls. As a bonus, Kim, Joe, and kids were in town again, too. What a beautiful day to spend felt so good! :)

Click HERE for all 4th of July weekend photos. Lots of good ones!

July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

We headed up to the lake for the 4th of July celebrations. A taco lunch was hosted by Mom & Dad and a hot dog dinner was hosted by Aunt Bev & Uncle Jim. Highlights: chilly weather (about 65 & overcast); Jacob swam in the middle of the lake; good food & drink all day; good music at Aunt Bev's.

Click HERE for all 4th of July Photos.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009

Jacob accompanied Mark to the LPGA golf tournament in Sylvania...they had a good day together. Kendall and I went to the grocery store and taco bell (as a treat). Then, I watched some of a Barbie movie with her before her nap. She had to get rested up for fireworks tonight and tomorrow night at the lake!

The hooligans waiting for the fireworks show!
Just before fireworks. Aaaahhhh...the swordfish is going to stab me! :)

July 2, 2009

While I was talking with Mark's sister on the phone today, her kids were playing Monopoly Junior. So, after our phone conversation, we got the game out to play. The game doesn't hold Kendall's attention for long, but Jacob enjoys playing it.

Upon Jacob's request, we made chocolate chip pancakes tonight for dinner. It's Mark's weekly golf night, so breakfast is usually on the dinner menu those nights. I had never made chocolate chip pancakes before - it was truly like eating chocolate chip cookies for dinner. Kendall stuffed herself, of course, and Jacob requested the pancakes with the least amount of chocolate chips in them. Very nutritious :). Oh, Jacob helped cook the pancakes on an electric skillet I use and slightly burnt his arm on the side of it. Shoot.

July 1, 2009

Jacob has two loose teeth at the moment. The one on top, left in photo is really loose! The other one is on the bottom and the two together are making it hard for him to bite into his food. It's kind of comical to watch.

I picked up a sprayer and more weed killer today. I resprayed everything in the front flowerbeds and a few other areas. I'm hoping this will do it and we'll get prepped for stone next week. We'll time schedule sometimes gets waylaid.

Mark's parents came over tonight for a visit before the LPGA golf tournament begins tomorrow, which they religiously attend. Between that and our lake plans for the weekend, we probably won't see them for over a week.