Friday, July 10, 2009

July 9, 2009

We headed to Target's dollar aisle today so Jacob could spend (yes, spend) his tooth fairy money ($2 this time...she was very generous this time around). Jacob was so nice and got silly putty for Kendall out of his money. Awww....

Aunt Bev and Mom stopped by this afternoon to pick up a few of the daylilies I split. That was a nice visit.

It's Mark's golf night, so the kids and I took a LOOOONG walk around the neighborhood. It was one of those walks where Jacob started out riding his scooter and Kendall started out pushing her baby in her baby stroller. By the end of the walk, the scooter was wedged in the stroller and Jacob was pushing it, while I carried Kendall piggy-back. It was fun, though....we've been walking back to a cul-de-sac FILLED with kids (I guess 14 kids 8 and under!). They are always out playing with each other and my kids join in to have some fun. Very nice.

Jacob got ready for bed and I brought the camera up to take a picture of his gap-toothed smile from losing his front tooth yesterday (pic 1). Well, after I crossed the hall and was reading Kendall a bedtime book, he comes in with ANOTHER tooth in his hand! Jeez! So, of course, I had to take another picture (pic 2). We have a dentist appointment at the end of the month...I think he should have a reduced rate since he's missing so many teeth! :)

Pic 1

Pic 2

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