Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

Well, I've certainly let the blog go! Plus, I've been lax with taking pictures. Hmmm...maybe our laid-back summer days have gone a bit too far! I've got to get back on top of things. To start with, I'll just update the last week or so in one BIG post!

The highlights of the last week were:
1.) Kendall got her cast removed last Thursday. Woo Hoo! She was back swinging on the monkey bars (and giving me a heart-attack) as soon as Friday! She just started using her right hand again to write and eat with. She seems to be doing fine.

July 16
2.) Last Friday night, a neighbor invited a bunch over for a "Craft/Scrapbooking" night. Since I do not have a laptop (much to my chagrin, you all know!), I must leave my digital scrapbooking at home. So, I took along a couple crafty things to do: I made Kendall a 'tu-tu' and made some more pony tail streamers.

July 17

3.) Saturday, I ran some errands by myself in the morning....they included going to Clothes Mentor, which I love. It's a women's resale shop. They are very particular in what they accept: brand-name clothing, not older than 2 years. They always have an abundance of a certain brand (ann taylor loft) that is good quality and fits me well. Since I had "my time" in the morning, Mark golfed in the afternoon.

4.) Sunday was a family outing day. We didn't do anything very interesting, other than drive around car lots and go to a couple different places. This picture was taken as the kids and I waited in the car while Mark went into a golf shop. We also stopped at an "Air Dog" competition, where dogs jump into a pool from a dock, competing for the longest jump.

July 19

5.) Monday began our week of Vacation Bible School. Kendall had her FIRST DANCE class! (another mom took a picture for me...I'm waiting for it emailed to me).
6.) Our neighborhood bunco group met at our house last night. A broken glass and a trapped chipmunk made for an exciting night!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Glad to hear that it didn't take long for Kendall to use her arm again. I didn't figure it would. Sounds like you guys are keeping busy. John was just saying that we need to get you out here for a visit sometime.