Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010

The kids ended up staying the night last night at Grandma & Grandpa C.'s. This morning I re-injured my back (that was just getting better) trying to clean the shower. Ugh. It's the same spot that I hurt a couple years ago - I definitely remember! It spasms if I move a certain way or breathe too deep.

I decided I would try massage therapy today. I really think it helped the area that I hurt last week - it seems to now be completely gone. But, it did nothing for this morning's injury - it was cramped up during the massage - of course, they want me to come back in a week or two! I hope to be completely healed by then. Meanwhile, I am really getting tired of sitting around. The house is getting dirtier and I'm getting flabbier!

Tonight, Jacob and Mark watched Transformers 2. Kendall and I weren't interested in watching it, so we played Hungry-Hungry Hippos and Guess Who. Fun was had by all!
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January 14, 2010

We celebrated my birthday early with family. Dad is leaving on a 10 +/- day snowmobile trip to the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, so Mom threw a party before he leaves.
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January 12, 2010

I've been hungry for a pineapple upside-down cake and made one today (and thought of Grandpa P). This little baking was all my back could handle and I down for the rest of the day. I hurt my back a week ago, on January 5, and I am patiently waiting for it to get better. Everytime I think it's better I "do" something and it's bad again. Christine called with some P.T. advice (thanks!) and I'm hoping it's better by week's end.
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January 11, 2010

Jacob finished one of his Lego sets he got from Santa today. It was a good-sized helicopter. He still loves to play with his Legos, either in sets or free play.
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January 10, 2010

Mark took this picture while I was at the grocery store today. I think this dance leotard needs to go into the "too small" bin!
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January 9, 2010

For some reason, this moment struck me as cute. Either that Kendall has her 5th outfit on of the day, which is a pretty dress and sweater, or the fact that she's clearing her own plate after dinner like a big girl.
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January 7, 2010

It started snowing today and by the time all was said and done, we had about 5 inches. The kids enjoyed playing and shoveling the snow.
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January 1, 2010

Our New Year's Eve was a quiet one. I actually woke up for the Big Apple ball drop - the TV woke me up, then I rolled over and went back to sleep. Mark is feeling better, but I am fighting a nasty cold. Sleep was more appealing than staying up - I think we're getting old!

Today, we met Grandma & Grandpa P. at the new Lucas County arena to watch our high school hockey team play Mark's alma mater. The new arena was very nice, the game was fun to watch, and we ran into some family friends. We, then, went to Grandma & Grandpa's for the annual ribs and sauerkraut dinner. Yum!
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

November 4 - Present

Well, it has been a while, my friends! I got off track and once one, two, three weeks passed without updating the blog, it became too daunting a task to tackle amongst the holidays (in my mind). I am a bit laid-up for a few days with a bad back, trying not to do things I shouldn't, so I thought it was a perfect time to update the old blog.

We took 2,343 pictures in 2009....mostly thanks to keeping this blog. I continued to take pictures during my 2 month absence, but not with my normal diligence.

This happened to be my last photo taken in 2009:

December 27, 2009

Joe, Kim, and kids came over today. We ordered pizza, the kids played, and we all had fun. We got our Guitar Hero band out and hooked the Martines family on it! We played (mainly the adults) for hours! Good thing Grandma & Grandpa were here to keep an eye on the kiddos! :)
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December 25, 2009

The kids actually slept in today! We were about to wake Jacob up at 8:30 when he came sauntering down the stairs.

The kids were lucky enough to get lots of presents from Santa. Glitter Glue was on the top of Kendall's list and Legos were most wanted by Jacob. We got the kids some clothes (Kendall now has a shirt that says "My Daddy Rocks!") and video chairs.

Grandma & Grandpa C. came over this morning and we opened their gifts. The kids had SO many presents! The highlight was the frogs that each of the kids got! Now we have to figure out what to name them.

We headed over to Grandma & Grandpa P's house in the afternoon. Joe, Kim, and kids arrived from Illinois and we spent the rest of the evening opening presents, eating a ham dinner, and catching up with each other.

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December 24, 2009

It's time for the Christmas Eve festivities at Aunt Bev & Uncle Jim's. All Christmas PICTURES are HERE.

Unfortunately, Mark is feverish and not feeling well at all. He ended up staying home and sleeping. Hopefully, he'll feel better soon.
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December 22, 2009

Jacob discovered that if he piled some snow onto the driveway, he can sled quite a ways down the modest slope with a running start.
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December 20, 2009

I do not want to forget to mention that we got a NEW CAMERA. Mark ordered it new from eBay. Our "old" Kodak camera is exactly 5 years old! It has been such a good camera...I could always depend on the quality of pictures from it. We went through a spell of sending it in for repair, but other than that, I never used another camera that I liked better. So, we stuck with Kodak on this purchase, too. Mark thinks the 14.1 megapixel, HD photos will look great projected on the big screen in the basement!! :)

Mark is beginning to "move into" the basement. He brought down his two electric guitars and his amp from storage and set them up in the basement. He started to play through some of his music. It was the first time the kids ever heard him play. They were in awe! :)
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December 19, 2009

Today was the first measurable snowfall. Jacob and Kendall headed out as soon as they could to play.
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December 18, 2009

Kendall's preschool Christmas program was today. Jacob did not have Kindergarten, so he was able to attend and sing along with the songs! The grandparents were there, too, and Kendall really did a good job singing and doing the choreography! For a treat afterwards, we all had lunch at McDonald's.

Tonight, the kiddos went to Lisa and Alan's house while Mark and I finished most of our Christmas shopping. We even squeezed in dinner at Ralphies. Here's a picture Lisa scrapped of the evening.

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December 12, 2009

We were excited to have our neighbors, Sydney & Zack, over tonight. Lisa & Alan did some Christmas shopping and will watch our kids next weekend - very nice!

We had pizza for dinner, played some games, and watched some Christmas shows (pictured).
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December 11, 2009

We celebrated Mark's birthday a few days early tonight with the all the parents. I fixed a pot roast that always seems to turn out really good.

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December 8, 2009

The kids and I went to the Manor House today. Each holiday season the mansion is decorated to the hilt and tours are free. The highlights were an American Girl holiday display for Kendall and a huge train set up in the basement for Jacob.

My highlight was running into my elementary school principal, Mr. Cothrell. He has a mind like a trap and remembered me. He even asked if we were still living in Chicago...I corrected him with Connecticut. And, he knew I was in the field of accounting....hmmm, wonder if he ran into my mom? :) Well, not recently, since he also asked how Chance was doing in Archbold. It was nice to see him, introduce him to my kids, and reminisce a little bit.
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December 5, 2009 (continued)

Tonight was Mark's company children's holiday party at the Imagination Station. Sometime in the late afternoon, Jacob started complaining of a sore throat, headache and an earache that brought him to tears. Mark took Kendall to the party and I stayed home with Jacob.
Kendall and Mark had a great time...Kendall saw Santa and played for hours.

Jacob and I had an equally good time. I popped popcorn and we watched the last half of Home Alone on TV - Jacob thought that was hilarious. It helped cheer him up. Then, Santa Clause 2 was on - we watched that and played with Legos.
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December 5, 2009

Lisa came over this morning and graciously & patiently took 48 pictures of us for our annual Christmas card. With the exception of Jacob's, these are good pictures I didn't include on our card...thought I wouldn't be redundant in the photos!
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