Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21, 2009

Well, I didn't take a photo yesterday....what a slacker I am! :) So, I am posting two pictures today.
My wonderful in-laws got me a cordless Shark sweeper for my birthday. Well, after lunch Jacob asked if he could use it and I said, "Go for it!" He swept the kitchen and kept on going: family room, living room, upstairs bedrooms. Finally, he ran the battery charge out! Then, he got my "real" vacuum out and swept his room (it was nice to see him pick up his toys in order to vacuum!) and our bedroom over again. Meanwhile, the Shark sweeper recharged for a few hours. After baths, he wanted to sweep AGAIN! "Sure!," I say. Oh, and while brushing his teeth he proclaims that he wants to be "a man who sweeps rooms and the president of the United States" when he grows up. (cute!) He proceeds to sweep again upstairs and downstairs and, hesitantly, lets Kendall use the sweeper a little bit. I told him to go around and count the rooms he swept and I would give him a penny for each room. He thought that was the greatest thing! And, I hope this phase lasts!

After lunch today, Kendall told me to come see something. I followed her into the family room and she led me to a big protrusion under our berber carpeting. At first, it startled me to see such a lump under the carpeting and I thought to myself, "What crawled under there and died?" Well, then I remembered that last night Mark was fiddling under the floor joists right in that area down in the basement, getting prepared to mount his theater screen. He confirmed that fact when he got home from work and said there was a nail that was in his way and he "pushed" it up last night, not realizing that it came up through the family room floor. He "pushed" it back down and all is right in the world again!
(note the very clean carpet from all the sweeping going on here!)We will see what tomorrow brings...

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