Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 24, 2009

Ahhh....Saturday! The weekends are great! Even better when the kids spend an afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa P's. Jacob was so excited...even counting down the days...because he can play the Wii at their house! Of course, Kendall was happy as a clam doing art projects, playing with playdough, and generally having Grandma and Grandpa's attention.

What did Mark and I do? Well, we went to Menards and Home Depot, getting an idea of what we want for flooring, fixtures, and countertops in the basement. We did purchase a vanity light for the bathroom and came home with lots of samples and brochures. Now, if only we can find an electrician to keep the project moving along.....
No, this photo IS NOT our basement! LOL However, we liked this flooring. Of course, it was the most expensive flooring we saw, so now we are hunting for knock offs and look-a-likes!

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