Monday, January 12, 2009

January 9, 2009

Jacob's class Christmas program was scheduled for the last day of school before Christmas break. Well, due to snow, school was cancelled, so the program was postponed until today. Then, I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to make it since Kendall got sick in the morning before breakfast. She seemed fine and ate a full breakfast without any "after-effects," so we attended the program, trying to keep Kendall away from other folks (sorry Grandmas and Grandpa!).
The program was great - the classes sung their songs and the teacher's did a very cute "12 days of Christmas" skit. I have to admit, it was strange hearing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" on January 9, but it's just a reminder to keep the Christmas spirit alive all year long.

My video camera's batteries died on me even before the program started. I was able to capture a still frame from the video I did get of Jacob walking into the church to begin the program.

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