Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

We had good intentions of taking a photo today. Mark took Jacob to Cottonwood Golf Course today to play their 9-hole, par 3 course. Jacob was in seventh heaven...he hit the ball very well, according to Mark. He even drove one onto the green, very close to the pin! Mark took the camera with him, but left it in the car.

There's always tomorrow!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

Well, here we are! After a month+ of lagging behind (since July 23 - happy reading for you, if you so choose!), I am finally updated with the bliggity-blog. I promise to take better care of her and update her daily. I think one of the reasons I fell so far behind is that I am running in the evenings, which seriously cuts into my computer time. Then, once I was behind, it seemed so daunting of a task to update it, which led to more procrastination. One of those vicious circles.

As for today, I couldn't let $20 burn a hole in my pocket, so I went out and purchased new running shoes. I wear such a small size (5) that my options were very limited. I even tried on children's Adidas (the man at the running shop looked them up and confirmed they were built similarly to the adult shoes), but I couldn't get past the pastel pink! :) I ended up with Mizuno. I ran very fast tonight and they felt lots more "grip-y" than my 10 year old pair - imagine that!

Kendall is suffering from a cold and a slight fever today (we discovered the fever AFTER returning from the mall - oops). She didn't quite have the same twinkle in her eye today, but she took a nap and got to bed early. The fever might be a side-effect from her vaccinations on Wednesday. Hopefully, she'll be on the mend soon.

August 28, 2009

Did I mention Jacob's Kindergarten schedule? It is full days, every other day. So, one week he goes M-W-F, the next week he goes T-Th and so on. When there is a Monday holiday, the schedule flips days. I hope we can keep our days straight. Already, the bus driver thought Jacob should be on the bus when it wasn't his day. Yikes!

While Jacob was at school, I finally got around to making a baby blanket for a neighbor's little girl born early July. Her name is Charlotte, but they call her Charlie....isn't that cute? Anyway, Kendall was right with me helping along the way and it turned out good. Chenille on one side and flannel on the other, with some decorative stitching for flair.

Jacob got off the bus today and said he didn't cry. As a matter of fact, he told me he didn't miss me at all. Now, THAT's taking it a little too far, you know! Just kidding. He had a great day. And, we asked Nathan's parents at the bus stop if Nathan could come over and play on Monday.

Mark went bowling for work today (last year it was a golf outing, I guess they're cutting back). Well, his team won second place and he got a $20 gift card for Levis Commons. When he came home, he gave the gift card to me for new running shoes. I have been looking and trying on pairs for a while. Yeah!

After dinner, we zipped to Kendall's preschool for their ice cream social. The preschool has changed their program/classes around a bit, so Kendall has a new set of teachers this year. We met them and ate our ice cream. Once we were back home, I finished the dinner dishes and left for a "scrapbooking night" at a neighbor's house. I actually made some more pony-tail streamers. They are school themed and pretty cute!

August 27, 2009

It was a work day around the house. In the afternoon, our financial advisor guy stopped by. He wants me to give him my Dana 401K. He's working up a proposal. :) Then, Anna and Ashley came over and played until dinner time. They are such nice girls.

It's a golf night tonight for Mark and my dad, so we met mom at Taco Bell for dinner and she accompanied us grocery shopping at Meijer. Lucky her! :)

August 26, 2009

Jacob got on the bus for Kindergarten just fine. After that, the morning was filled with nature! I happened to be picking something up from the grass outside and noticed a small spider with a fly in it's clutches. I ran in the house, grabbed my camera, and Kendall & I took some awesome pictures of it. Then, we found a large toad in the garage. It had rained overnight and I think he was hanging out by the garage door. When I opened it, he hopped on in! Kendall and I "walked" him back out into the grass.

Kendall had her 4-year well-check today with Dr. Clark. She is in the 10th percentile for height and the 20th percentile for weight (hence her nickname, Beefy.....just kidding). I was surprised she was on the charts because she just looks so little next to her peers. The bad news is she has a urinary tract infection. So, we got a script for that and will have to go back in two weeks. Oh, and Kendall was SO worried about her shots that she pretty much wept through the entire physical. It was pitiful, but, boy, was she happy once it was over.

We met Mark at his parents house tonight and left the kids there for dinner while we went to the funeral home for Mark's 2nd cousin's mom (I think I got that right) who passed away just before getting several transplants.

When we got home, Jacob's teacher called. Jacob had some tears today at school and she wanted to explain some of the classroom dynamics going on that might be upsetting him, too. It sounds like she has her hands full with a few discipline issues and is moving the seating arrangements to separate the "live wires" of the class. I'm sure we'll get through this little bump in the road...
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August 25, 2009

We didn't do much today. I decided to get our jumper out today, too. Anna came over and enjoyed it for a while with Jacob and Kendall while I scooped several wheelbarrows of stone out front.

August 24, 2009

Jacob went off to school today without a hitch. Kendall and I met playgroup at the Perrysburg library. When we got home, a package from the "Race for the Cure" was in the mailbox. I guess it's official...I'm running the 5K. I have the t-shirt, number, and timer thingy to prove it!

A neighbor was telling me Saturday night at Angel's that her daughter said there was someone in her class who cried on the first day of kindergarten. Jacob is in a different class, so when I tucked Jacob in bed tonight I remembered to ask him if anyone was sad about being in school. He broke down crying and said "he was" and just melted into my arms. He said that he cried today, this afternoon, because he missed me. I asked if anyone made him feel better and he said Mrs. B did. Then, I asked what Mrs. B told him and here she asked him what he thought I was doing at home. Uh-oh! I wondered what Jacob's answer to THAT would be! :) Well, he told her I was scrapbooking on the computer or cleaning. (snicker) Poor guy...hopefully, he's got the melancholy out of his system. :(

August 22, 2009

Lisa, Sydney, and Zack came over this morning. While the kids played, Lisa worked on networking our computers. We have a Vista machine in our office and we put our old XP machine down in the basement. Well, we found out that Vista and XP don't play nice! Ugh. Lisa did finally get a folder to share. Now, I need to replicate the settings for everything else we want the computers to share.

Oh, and Lisa brought over a box of clothes for Kendall that Sydney has outgrown. Thank goodness for good friends and good hand-me-downs!

August 21, 2009

Today was Angel's second annual playgroup potluck (she says "popluck" as English is her second language - very cute). What a great time! She and her husband, Dave, really put on a BIG spread of fillet mignon, chicken, brats and everyone else brought a dish to pass, too. What great food and company. I'm not sure how many of us were there, but I think Dave mentioned they planned for 23 children (& parents). Oh, and Angel had games all organized for the kids: ladder golf, yard tic-tac-toe, egg races, 3-legged races....with lots of sweet treats as prizes. More pics are here. We are already looking forward to next year.....some even joked with Angel that we should do this every month! :)

August 21, 2009

We met my mom at Elder-Beerman. She wanted to get the kids a new school outfit. Boy, were they having the sales! Jacob and Kendall both were spoiled from Grandma and I picked up a swimsuit cover up for $3.99 (originally $54).

Then I took the kids and zoomed into the mall. I love Gymboree for Kendall....specifically combining coupons with their sales. For Jacob, though, I don't necessarily love their selection. HOWEVER, their new line for boys has a late '60's Mustang fastback as a theme! I had a coupon and couldn't resist picking up the sweatshirt for Jacob. Now, I have to wait for it to go on sale to get a couple of the t-shirts. He will look so stylin' riding with his daddy in our Mustang.....once it's restored.....once the basement is done. Hmmm.....maybe I should have bought a bigger size shirt. :)

August 20, 2009

Today was a big day! Jacob started kindergarten. He got on the bus just fine. He sat with Nathaniel (who goes by Nathan) and waved out the window.

I nervously kept myself busy for the rest of the day until it was time to go to the busstop at 3:36 pm. It was funny: I asked Kendall if she wanted to go for a walk and she asked, "Without Jacob?" This one-on-one time with her will be lots of fun.

Jacob was beaming when he got off the bus and really enjoyed his first day. He said his favorite, favorite part was "making friends" with Nathan. Awww...

You can see all of the First Day of School pictures here.

August 18, 2009

We are all caught up on laundry and such since arriving home from our trip to Kim's. Now, we focus on back-to-school. I took Jacob shopping and picked up a lunch box, thermos and a pair of jeans. That's all we need! I ended up buying a supply kit from the parents group at the elementary school, so I don't have to worry about any of that.

This morning Jacob was watching Diego with Kendall and the show had something to do with whales or fish. Anyway, I mentioned that mammals, like humans and whales, are different from other animals, like fish, because our babies are born alive. Other animals hatch from eggs. Jacob thought for a second and says (and I quote), "My question is: How do the fish eggs stay underwater and not float up? Is there gravity in the ocean?" Yes, I believe he is ready for kindergarten and has plenty of good questions for his teacher!

Tonight, we attended the elementary school's open house. What a zoo!! Last year there were 715 students (K-4th grade) in this building. Well, ALL of them were there WITH parents! We had to park out in the grass and I'm surprised no one was run over or into in the parking lot! We double checked Jacob's bus schedule and toured his classroom. His teacher, Mrs. B., seems really nice....she reminds me of Mark's mom! Jacob is now ready for school to start tomorrow - but he must wait a day until Thursday.

When we got home, Jacob's bus driver called to introduce herself and fill us in of the bus routine. It was a very friendly conversation and we learned that Jacob will be seat mates with a boy named, Nathaniel, who lives around the corner from us. Now, for as "involved" as I am in the neighborhood, I never heard of this boy! How can that be?? How funny. Anyway, now I think I'm as excited as Jacob. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 11-15, 2009

The kids and I headed out to Illinois to visit with Kim and kids for several days. The drive to and from was relatively uneventful, even trying to entertain Jacob and Kendall by myself. With Mark starting his new job so recently, he still is trying to get acclimated and didn't think the timing was good to take most of a week off as vacation. Next time.


We had such a wonderful week....we swam in their pool, went to a nature preserve/park, cooled off in one of their awesome, public sprinkler parks, played on the playground at Tyler and Kennedy's elementary school, etc., etc. Tyler is so generous to give up his room to us for the week. He has a full bed with a twin bunk on top, so we all slept there. Oh, however, the first night, all the kids (except Tyler - I think he knew better) camped out in Carter's room!! It wasn't long and Carter was removed to Kim & Joe's bed. Then, Kendall came looking for me in the middle of the night and crawled in "my" bed. THEN, Jacob ended up moving into the bunk at some point. So much for the camp out in Carter's room! Too funny.
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August 8, 2009

For Father's Day, I had given Mark 2 tickets to go see Chickenfoot (new band with Sammy Hagar, Joe Satriani, Michael Anthony Van Halen, and Chad Smith (from Chili Peppers)). The show was today in Detroit, so we made it into a little 13th wedding anniversary get-away, also. We drove up and parked outside Tiger Stadium, ate dinner at HockeyTown - a restaurant devoted to the Red Wings, and met up with some neighbors to see the show.

We were probably just 6 feet from the stage with a couple rows of people (standing) in front of us. We were super-close. Mark is a big Satriani fan, so we made sure we were on his side. At times, it seemed we could reach out and touch him. Sammy Hagar would jump right in front of us (see video link below) and we could see Michael Anthony's wrinkles! These guys are no spring chickens, but it was a GREAT show. The drummer, Chad Smith, is from Detroit and his 84 yr. old mother was there. At the end, Smith made like he was going to jump right on top of us and scared me half to death! It was a great experience to be so close.....although, at times, I was stuck behind two 6'5" guys....but that's the deal when you're short!

Here's some video from the concert....(click here)....we were 2 people back down on the floor right in front of Sammy Hagar when he hops up on a platform about 25-30 seconds into the video clip. You don't have to watch the whole thing, but it gives you a little perspective. :)
Thanks, Mom & Dad P, for taking the kids for the night!

August 7, 2009

Mark took a day off work to help with the stone today. Well, actually, he decided to golf 18 holes in the morning and help me in the afternoon! We got the front DONE! Now, we just want some rain to wash off the is very dirty. Here is the end result:

The remaining stone. Hmmm...what to do, what to do. We are going to put some extra down in some areas we just did and we will use the rest of it in the back yard. However, we need to install landscaping edging and put more landscape fabric down. The pile might sit here for a little while until Mark & I get the back prepped.

Some new plants that I got at the perennial greenhouse near the lake last week.

All weeds.

This was the thistle patch area....I posted a picture on a previous post. Click here to see the mess it used to be!
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August 6, 2009

I spent the day shoveling stone and got another 1/3 of it done or maybe a little more. Mark did some last night, so that helped out.

This is how the kids spent their time today, pretty much unsupervised while I was busy. They are so good!

August 5, 2009

I called the stone supply yard this morning and they were able to deliver 12.5 tons of stone by noon! Mom, being the wonderful person she is, came over with some yard carts and an extra shovel and helped me "shovel-shovel-dump" for the afternoon! We got maybe 1/3 of our 1,200 sq. ft. project done. Thanks, Mom!! Lisa's husband, Alan, also dropped off a wheelbarrow to use - that worked great! I'll be busy (and sore) for the next few days.

August 4, 2009

Jacob lost his other front tooth today. He has certainly kept the tooth fairy busy this summer. I believe this is his 6th tooth lost.

Anna came over to play with the kids and ended up staying for most of the day. It was actually a big help because I was able to completely finish the landscaping fabric. The front flower beds looks better already!

August 3, 2009

(Happy birthday, Joe!)

After the landscape fabric. I got about 2/3 of the fabric laid today. Ready to finish it up tomorrow.
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August 2, 2009

Ok, now it is time to get down to business. I spent the whole day prepping our front landscape for an overhaul: trimmed trees, removed 2 half-dead shrubs, pulled weeds, applied weed killer, and started laying the landscape fabric. This is a project that I want to get done this coming week. It has been a long time coming.
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August 1, 2009

It was a beautiful evening to go to a local, weekly car show in Perrysburg. As you can tell from the photo, the kids have fun no matter what we do!
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

July 31, 2009

What a perfect ending to July. Just down the road from the lake is a great perennial nursery/greenhouse. They have very unusual and beautiful plants. I bought some for our upcoming landscape project.

We enjoyed the sunshine while swimming and playing at the beach in the afternoon. Kendall ended up curling up and taking a little cat-nap!


July 30, 2009

After the kids' dentist appointment in the morning, we headed up to the lake for an overnight. The weather forecast is beautiful - 80's and low humidity.

Jacob caught a little sunfish in the evening. Kendall fished, too. We dropped the line in the water right off the dock and could see 5 or 6 fish swimming around it, taking nibbles. None of them took a big enough bite. Better luck next time, Kendall.

July 29, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Kendall!!

All of Kendall's birthday photos can be viewed HERE.

She had a great day and received many wonderful presents from her grandparents, aunts & uncles, and even a neighbor. What a lucky girl she is!

At four years old, she certainly has her own likes and dislikes. It is a challenge and a blessing to try and figure them all out! Kendall is sweet and has a very generous nature - she always shares her treats with Jacob and me. She loves to do arts & crafts and puzzles. At some point during the day, Kendall changes her clothes. She does not like me to do her hair (in a ponytail or with a barrette). However, it's OK if she does it herself - which means an oddly-placed barrette or a funny looking ponytail. There's not another Kendall in the world and we love her so much. How lucky are we?!

July 28, 2009

Kendall received her first birthday card of 2009 from Great Grandpa Cordrey.

The kids were also thrilled today when I had the next-door neighbor girl come over and babysit while I got a haircut. They had a really good time.

July 27, 2009

I took the kids into JCPenney for a retake of their pictures - with no spiked hair. It went well and we now have normal-looking pictures.

I took a picture of Kendall after her dance class. She absolutely loves it.

July 26, 2009

We went to Grandma & Grandpa C's for dinner tonight for their famous North Carolina Shrimp Saute. Yum! We also got out the go-kart, golf cart, and ride-on Jeep! The kids had fun.
Here's a video for your viewing enjoyment:

July 24, 2009

Mark and I went to a Mud Hens game tonight with Mark's new co-workers. We had the O-I suite, so the food and drink was good. The ball game was a double-header and the first game went into extra innings. Thankfully, the kids stayed the night at Grandma & Grandpa P's.

July 23, 2009 (#2)

I forgot to mention that the kids had their vacation bible school program today. The church alter was really decorated. You can't see from the pictures, but there was even a real row boat up there! The kids really enjoyed the week-long school and saw many friends from preschool.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Where have you been???

My blogging mojo is coming back! I will be updating the blog over the next few days.....stay tuned.