Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 11-15, 2009

The kids and I headed out to Illinois to visit with Kim and kids for several days. The drive to and from was relatively uneventful, even trying to entertain Jacob and Kendall by myself. With Mark starting his new job so recently, he still is trying to get acclimated and didn't think the timing was good to take most of a week off as vacation. Next time.


We had such a wonderful week....we swam in their pool, went to a nature preserve/park, cooled off in one of their awesome, public sprinkler parks, played on the playground at Tyler and Kennedy's elementary school, etc., etc. Tyler is so generous to give up his room to us for the week. He has a full bed with a twin bunk on top, so we all slept there. Oh, however, the first night, all the kids (except Tyler - I think he knew better) camped out in Carter's room!! It wasn't long and Carter was removed to Kim & Joe's bed. Then, Kendall came looking for me in the middle of the night and crawled in "my" bed. THEN, Jacob ended up moving into the bunk at some point. So much for the camp out in Carter's room! Too funny.
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