Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29, 2009

Well, here we are! After a month+ of lagging behind (since July 23 - happy reading for you, if you so choose!), I am finally updated with the bliggity-blog. I promise to take better care of her and update her daily. I think one of the reasons I fell so far behind is that I am running in the evenings, which seriously cuts into my computer time. Then, once I was behind, it seemed so daunting of a task to update it, which led to more procrastination. One of those vicious circles.

As for today, I couldn't let $20 burn a hole in my pocket, so I went out and purchased new running shoes. I wear such a small size (5) that my options were very limited. I even tried on children's Adidas (the man at the running shop looked them up and confirmed they were built similarly to the adult shoes), but I couldn't get past the pastel pink! :) I ended up with Mizuno. I ran very fast tonight and they felt lots more "grip-y" than my 10 year old pair - imagine that!

Kendall is suffering from a cold and a slight fever today (we discovered the fever AFTER returning from the mall - oops). She didn't quite have the same twinkle in her eye today, but she took a nap and got to bed early. The fever might be a side-effect from her vaccinations on Wednesday. Hopefully, she'll be on the mend soon.

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