Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 26, 2009

Jacob got on the bus for Kindergarten just fine. After that, the morning was filled with nature! I happened to be picking something up from the grass outside and noticed a small spider with a fly in it's clutches. I ran in the house, grabbed my camera, and Kendall & I took some awesome pictures of it. Then, we found a large toad in the garage. It had rained overnight and I think he was hanging out by the garage door. When I opened it, he hopped on in! Kendall and I "walked" him back out into the grass.

Kendall had her 4-year well-check today with Dr. Clark. She is in the 10th percentile for height and the 20th percentile for weight (hence her nickname, Beefy.....just kidding). I was surprised she was on the charts because she just looks so little next to her peers. The bad news is she has a urinary tract infection. So, we got a script for that and will have to go back in two weeks. Oh, and Kendall was SO worried about her shots that she pretty much wept through the entire physical. It was pitiful, but, boy, was she happy once it was over.

We met Mark at his parents house tonight and left the kids there for dinner while we went to the funeral home for Mark's 2nd cousin's mom (I think I got that right) who passed away just before getting several transplants.

When we got home, Jacob's teacher called. Jacob had some tears today at school and she wanted to explain some of the classroom dynamics going on that might be upsetting him, too. It sounds like she has her hands full with a few discipline issues and is moving the seating arrangements to separate the "live wires" of the class. I'm sure we'll get through this little bump in the road...
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Sara had a UTI at about that age, too. She went backwards in her bedwetting for about six months after it was diagnosed. Must be a pretty normal thing at that age.