Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 24, 2009

Jacob went off to school today without a hitch. Kendall and I met playgroup at the Perrysburg library. When we got home, a package from the "Race for the Cure" was in the mailbox. I guess it's official...I'm running the 5K. I have the t-shirt, number, and timer thingy to prove it!

A neighbor was telling me Saturday night at Angel's that her daughter said there was someone in her class who cried on the first day of kindergarten. Jacob is in a different class, so when I tucked Jacob in bed tonight I remembered to ask him if anyone was sad about being in school. He broke down crying and said "he was" and just melted into my arms. He said that he cried today, this afternoon, because he missed me. I asked if anyone made him feel better and he said Mrs. B did. Then, I asked what Mrs. B told him and here she asked him what he thought I was doing at home. Uh-oh! I wondered what Jacob's answer to THAT would be! :) Well, he told her I was scrapbooking on the computer or cleaning. (snicker) Poor guy...hopefully, he's got the melancholy out of his system. :(

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