Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 18, 2009

We are all caught up on laundry and such since arriving home from our trip to Kim's. Now, we focus on back-to-school. I took Jacob shopping and picked up a lunch box, thermos and a pair of jeans. That's all we need! I ended up buying a supply kit from the parents group at the elementary school, so I don't have to worry about any of that.

This morning Jacob was watching Diego with Kendall and the show had something to do with whales or fish. Anyway, I mentioned that mammals, like humans and whales, are different from other animals, like fish, because our babies are born alive. Other animals hatch from eggs. Jacob thought for a second and says (and I quote), "My question is: How do the fish eggs stay underwater and not float up? Is there gravity in the ocean?" Yes, I believe he is ready for kindergarten and has plenty of good questions for his teacher!

Tonight, we attended the elementary school's open house. What a zoo!! Last year there were 715 students (K-4th grade) in this building. Well, ALL of them were there WITH parents! We had to park out in the grass and I'm surprised no one was run over or into in the parking lot! We double checked Jacob's bus schedule and toured his classroom. His teacher, Mrs. B., seems really nice....she reminds me of Mark's mom! Jacob is now ready for school to start tomorrow - but he must wait a day until Thursday.

When we got home, Jacob's bus driver called to introduce herself and fill us in of the bus routine. It was a very friendly conversation and we learned that Jacob will be seat mates with a boy named, Nathaniel, who lives around the corner from us. Now, for as "involved" as I am in the neighborhood, I never heard of this boy! How can that be?? How funny. Anyway, now I think I'm as excited as Jacob. :)

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