Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 27, 2009

Race day. Lisa and family picked me up to go to the race...I wasn't sure if Mark was coming with the kids. There were 18,000 participants - 5,000 runners and 13,000 walkers. It was a big event. I ran really well for me: 29:21 (77th of 186 in my age group). Lisa ran with me and kept me motivated! At the end of the race, Mark and kids found me...I was so happy they came. What a good morning!

See what Lisa put on her BLOG.

September 26, 2009

The golf outing went off without a hitch. I was at the church at 6am to pick up a donut donation and help load up a van going to set up the outing.

Jacob had a soccer game this afternoon. He scored one goal. He's doing really well and enjoys it. At last week's game, he scored 4 goals (I didn't have my camera). We were also running late to the game, so I packed a lunch. Well, a bee was on Mark's pop can and stung him in the lip during the game. It swelled up good, but was better the next day.
I'm going a bit backwards in my timeline (my fault for not keeping up with this daily!), but Mark and I had a date night last night. We finally made it to La Scola italian restaurant (we've had a gift certificate since Christmas) and we rented a movie: Twilight. My choice, of course. It was a good evening!

September 24, 2009

The week has been full with meetings, preparing food, gathering door prizes, etc. for the preschool's golf outing Saturday. I'm also getting mentally prepared for the 5K Race for the Cure on Sunday.

Also, Mom P's first cataract surgery went well Monday. Jacob's soccer practice was cancelled Tuesday due to rain - however, we didn't know that since Jose did NOT correct my email address (ugh). I attended a book club meeting Wednesday at the church. Jacob had school pictures today.

Kendall and I ran errands and met up with Aunt Bev and Mom. Along the way, Kendall got a much-needed hair cut. She looks so cute and well-groomed! :)
While we were running errands, Kendall became thirsty in the car. She told me she was praying to God that He would give her water. She said she just knew that God would bring her water. And, He answered her prayers! I pulled through McDonald's and got a cup of water (and a sweet tea for me).

September 19, 2009

We left in the morning for Daniel S's noon wedding in Marion, IN. The drive was about 3 hours each way. We rode with Mom & Dad and the kids did just fine. It was so good to see Uncle Jack and Aunt Sharon (in pic), as well as the rest of the family out there. Brad, my cousin and father of the groom, actually officiated the ceremony - so that was pretty special. The reception was so pleasant: at the bride's parent's country home with a nice tent (with dance floor!) and good food. The weather cooperated beautifully and it was a wonderful trip.

All the wedding photos are HERE.

September 16, 2009

Just to follow up on yesterday's post: I called the "assistant" coach, Jennifer. She informed me that Jose, the head coach of the team, sent an email with the time and changed location for practice. When Jennifer forwarded the email, I found out why I never received it: our email address was all garbled! I let the coach know (nicely) to please correct it.

I had an eye exam this morning and was really looking forward to getting some new glasses. I just couldn't justify the cost, even after our insurance. So, I instead ordered a year's supply of contacts for under $20. Better deal....maybe next year on the glasses.

Tonight was bunko at Lisa's house. What a hit! I won big again....I swear I don't rig the results! I seem to win often.

September 15, 2009

To start the morning off right, I decided to get fancy and cook an egg in the middle of a piece of bread. Neither Jacob or Kendall ate it! Go figure!

I attended the elementary school's parent meeting luncheon. I ran a little late and one of the only seats left at a table where I knew a couple faces was between the principal and superintendent. I was on my best behavior! :)

Jacob had his first soccer practice tonight. While at the luncheon, I talked to Mason's mom, Michelle, and found out that Jennifer (soccer coach) was also Mason's coach, so the kids are on the same team. Soccer was to be at 6:15 at the elementary school. Jacob and I got there right at 6:15 and we saw no other soccer team. I called Michelle on the cell and she said practice was at Jennifer's house and gave me the, off we went. We arrived at the coach's house to find out that Jacob was not on her roster! We were with the wrong team! Two different Jennifer's (I should be prepared for this since I am a Jennifer)! Well, we were there and so Jacob practiced with Mason's team.

I will be calling our Jennifer tomorrow to see where we were supposed to be!
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September 14, 2009

We had a nice weekend with friends: me with Catherine and Lisa Friday night, then with Annette and her family on Saturday; Mark with Burly on Friday and Saturday. I was looking forward to a productive Monday, since both kids were in school. I had planned on running with Lisa, trying to really get geared up for the race in a couple weeks.

However, when I hopped in the car to take Kendall to school, it wouldn't start and my "message center" was saying all sorts of strange things. I thought the electrical system was going haywire...I called the dealership and they guessed it was the ignition system. Soooo, instead of running with Lisa, I waited for a AAA tow truck to come and tow my car to the dealership. Well, when AAA arrived, they tried jumping my battery and that worked!!! I was able to pick Kendall up from school, then we had the battery replaced (it was the original, 8 years old). Can you believe our battery is under the back seat?? When they removed the back seat, I was busy cleaning up barrettes, goldfish crackers, crayons, etc. from under it while they hooked up the new battery! :)

September 11, 2009

Catherine's husband, Gar, received 4 Colorado vs. University of Toledo football tickets and asked if we wanted to join them. Well, it just so happened that Mark had already made arrangements to go to Burly's for the night and play in a golf outing. So, I invited Lisa to go with us and we had a great time. Gar had tickets because he was a manager for Colorado's assistant coach back in the day. I felt bad that UT stomped on Colorado! But the fireworks at half-time helped to lighten the spirits. Then, Catherine, Gar, and their dog, Molly, spent the night with at our house. The kiddos were happy to stay the night at Grandma & Grandpa P.'s!

Every 9/11, I say a prayer for our armed services and thank them for continuing to keep us safe.
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September 9, 2009

KENDALL'S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Kendall was so excited to start school (like her big brother). She is in the same room this year, but with different teachers and a different mix of classmates. She did wonderfully...she lead me to her room and never looked back.

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September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day! Mark spent the day with his dad hanging the first two doors downstairs in the basement. Then, we went out to dinner at "Chowders 'N Moor" in Waterville. The food was very good and clam chowder is their claim to fame. We have been eating good this weekend. After Mark golfed with his dad yesterday, we had dinner here: bacon-wrapped fillets and shrimp kabobs on the grill.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 5, 2009

Mark took Jacob golfing today, back to Cottonwood (which I learned has more par 4 holes than par 3's). Jacob drove a ball to the green on one of the holes. And, his longest drive was about 115 yards. I don't know who has more fun: Mark or Jacob!

Tonight we ate at Sonic for the first time. The food was good and I had a cherry limeade chiller....that was REALLY good. Then, we headed to the weekly carshow in Perrysburg. It was a good day.
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September 4, 2009

We met Mandy and Frankie at the Toledo Zoo today. It was a beautiful day. We packed lunches and played the whole time in the new children's area of the zoo. The only "zoo" animal we saw in the 4 hours we were there, were the polar bears on our way out! The kids played on the playground, in the stream, in the sand, in the exhibits. They got their faces painted. Jacob climbed rocks. Kendall pet some goats. It was a good, tiring day! Luckily, I had plenty of leftovers for a quick, stress-free dinner when we got home!

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September 3, 2009

<---My first attempt at french braiding Kendall's hair. A few wisps were missed here and there, but we did go out in public with them - so not terribly bad! :)

Jacob had school this morning. He got on the bus and I could see the bus driver say, "Hi, there, buddy!" in a bubbly voice. Well, as Jacob walked past her, I also saw her grimace. Jacob sat in his window seat, face in the window, bawling. Oh, my goodness! Nathan, his seat-mate, had a look of, "what do I do?" I smiled and waved 'goodbye' to him and gave him thumbs up. The other moms/dads at the bus stop were just as heartbroken. He got home and had a great day - although he said he cried once. Hmmm...

Oh, when Jacob got off the bus...Nathan asked his dad if he could come over to our house. It was approved and I said I would walk him home in an hour. Well, I was working on the rock landscape project (which I completed!) and the boys were playing outside with me. After 1/2 hour, Nathan's dad came by to pick him up instead. Nathan and Jacob were chasing each other in the yard with Nerf guns. I could gather from Nathan's dad that this was probably not an approved activity/toy. Now, I'm wondering if Nathan will ever be allowed to play at our house again?! I guess if it comes up in conversation, I will offer to put the Nerf guns away.... Needless to say, as they left, I could hear Nathan breathlessly ask his dad if he could play at Jacob's house again sometime. (sure! because we have the forbidden toys! oh, no!)
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 2, 2009

The kids and I picked up more landscape fabric in the morning. I got it all laid and got about 3/4 of the stone down! This picture was taken about an hour into the job. Good news: I should be done tomorrow with this. Bad news: We STILL have a huge pile of stone in our driveway. Bad, Bad news: Mark says he can't help me with it until golf season is over because the shoveling will ruin his golf swing. Oh, my!

After working with the stone for 3-1/2 hours today, I ran with Lisa tonight. She has a GPS watch that tracks your distance, pace, heart rate, etc. We ran the 5K distance in 32 minutes. We started off at a 9.5 minute/mile pace, then I died. We ended up averaging 10 min. miles. Lisa is a faster/stronger runner than me, so it was very "kind" of her to run with me! :) But, now I know what loop around the neighborhood is 3.2 miles (5K). I was guessing the distance prior to our run tonight.

The kids both have a nasty cough. They seem to be feeling fine otherwise. Hopefully, with some early bedtimes, we can knock that out of their systems.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 1, 2009

Wow! It's September already. Where did the summer go? I kicked off the new month attacking a flower bed in the back yard. We still have a pile of stone in the driveway - yikes! - that we need to get rid of. That is my mission this week. I will get another roll of landscape fabric and start on the stone hauling tomorrow.

Jacob said he cried today, right at the beginning of the school day. He seems to enjoy school and has no problem getting on the bus in the morning. He just has his "moments." I'm sure the momentary sadness will dissipate soon. (hoping!) Jacob was to have a playdate yesterday with Nathan, but that fell through at the last minute. Luckily, other neighbor kids (Izzy, Anna, Ashley) were out and he played at their houses instead.
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