Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 2, 2009

The kids and I picked up more landscape fabric in the morning. I got it all laid and got about 3/4 of the stone down! This picture was taken about an hour into the job. Good news: I should be done tomorrow with this. Bad news: We STILL have a huge pile of stone in our driveway. Bad, Bad news: Mark says he can't help me with it until golf season is over because the shoveling will ruin his golf swing. Oh, my!

After working with the stone for 3-1/2 hours today, I ran with Lisa tonight. She has a GPS watch that tracks your distance, pace, heart rate, etc. We ran the 5K distance in 32 minutes. We started off at a 9.5 minute/mile pace, then I died. We ended up averaging 10 min. miles. Lisa is a faster/stronger runner than me, so it was very "kind" of her to run with me! :) But, now I know what loop around the neighborhood is 3.2 miles (5K). I was guessing the distance prior to our run tonight.

The kids both have a nasty cough. They seem to be feeling fine otherwise. Hopefully, with some early bedtimes, we can knock that out of their systems.

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