Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 26, 2009

The golf outing went off without a hitch. I was at the church at 6am to pick up a donut donation and help load up a van going to set up the outing.

Jacob had a soccer game this afternoon. He scored one goal. He's doing really well and enjoys it. At last week's game, he scored 4 goals (I didn't have my camera). We were also running late to the game, so I packed a lunch. Well, a bee was on Mark's pop can and stung him in the lip during the game. It swelled up good, but was better the next day.
I'm going a bit backwards in my timeline (my fault for not keeping up with this daily!), but Mark and I had a date night last night. We finally made it to La Scola italian restaurant (we've had a gift certificate since Christmas) and we rented a movie: Twilight. My choice, of course. It was a good evening!

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