Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 11, 2009

Catherine's husband, Gar, received 4 Colorado vs. University of Toledo football tickets and asked if we wanted to join them. Well, it just so happened that Mark had already made arrangements to go to Burly's for the night and play in a golf outing. So, I invited Lisa to go with us and we had a great time. Gar had tickets because he was a manager for Colorado's assistant coach back in the day. I felt bad that UT stomped on Colorado! But the fireworks at half-time helped to lighten the spirits. Then, Catherine, Gar, and their dog, Molly, spent the night with at our house. The kiddos were happy to stay the night at Grandma & Grandpa P.'s!

Every 9/11, I say a prayer for our armed services and thank them for continuing to keep us safe.
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