Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 15, 2009

To start the morning off right, I decided to get fancy and cook an egg in the middle of a piece of bread. Neither Jacob or Kendall ate it! Go figure!

I attended the elementary school's parent meeting luncheon. I ran a little late and one of the only seats left at a table where I knew a couple faces was between the principal and superintendent. I was on my best behavior! :)

Jacob had his first soccer practice tonight. While at the luncheon, I talked to Mason's mom, Michelle, and found out that Jennifer (soccer coach) was also Mason's coach, so the kids are on the same team. Soccer was to be at 6:15 at the elementary school. Jacob and I got there right at 6:15 and we saw no other soccer team. I called Michelle on the cell and she said practice was at Jennifer's house and gave me the, off we went. We arrived at the coach's house to find out that Jacob was not on her roster! We were with the wrong team! Two different Jennifer's (I should be prepared for this since I am a Jennifer)! Well, we were there and so Jacob practiced with Mason's team.

I will be calling our Jennifer tomorrow to see where we were supposed to be!
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