Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 1, 2009

Wow! It's September already. Where did the summer go? I kicked off the new month attacking a flower bed in the back yard. We still have a pile of stone in the driveway - yikes! - that we need to get rid of. That is my mission this week. I will get another roll of landscape fabric and start on the stone hauling tomorrow.

Jacob said he cried today, right at the beginning of the school day. He seems to enjoy school and has no problem getting on the bus in the morning. He just has his "moments." I'm sure the momentary sadness will dissipate soon. (hoping!) Jacob was to have a playdate yesterday with Nathan, but that fell through at the last minute. Luckily, other neighbor kids (Izzy, Anna, Ashley) were out and he played at their houses instead.
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