Saturday, January 9, 2010

December 8, 2009

The kids and I went to the Manor House today. Each holiday season the mansion is decorated to the hilt and tours are free. The highlights were an American Girl holiday display for Kendall and a huge train set up in the basement for Jacob.

My highlight was running into my elementary school principal, Mr. Cothrell. He has a mind like a trap and remembered me. He even asked if we were still living in Chicago...I corrected him with Connecticut. And, he knew I was in the field of accounting....hmmm, wonder if he ran into my mom? :) Well, not recently, since he also asked how Chance was doing in Archbold. It was nice to see him, introduce him to my kids, and reminisce a little bit.
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Is that the same house we would visit when we were in Brownies/Girl Scouts? I remember going there a couple of years. And, Mr. Cothrell, huh? Wow!! He was pretty old when he was our principal!!