Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 19, 2009

It was a busy day! The neighborhood playgroup came to our house this morning at the last minute (we had 9 children and 4 moms). Then, an electrician came during Mark's lunch hour to give us a second bid on the basement wiring. Mom popped in to drop off things I left at her house from the birthday party. A dear neighbor, Angel, came by with an early birthday card. The twin girls across the street, Anna & Ashley, stopped by to play with the kids. Kendall did not nap, despite signs of an impending cold. I tried to start my digital scrapbooking class, unsuccessfully. And, I made a very delicious dinner! Amidst the activity, I did not snap a photo, but Kendall colored a picture that I'm posting. Kendall is very artsy and loves to paint, color, draw - but in a messy, 3-year-old way. This morning she colored this picture and I asked her, incredulously, "Did you color this?," twice. She did such a good job...it's the first coloring she's done that doesn't look like scribbles. She was very proud, and so was I! So, I'm hanging it on our "virtual refrigerator" for all to see.

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Have you heard of Zicam for impending colds? I use it all the time on the kids if they just sniffle or something. I swear by it, I think it fends off the colds. We haven't had a cold yet this winter. Hopefully no one gets one for our trip to Florida on Friday :)