Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 28, 2009

About 8" of snow fell overnight and through the morning. Schools in the area were closed. The kids helped me make teddy bear cookies for Kendall to take to school tomorrow in celebration of her half birthday. Since her birthday falls in the summer when school is not in session, they celebrate half birthdays. Grandma P made teddy bear hand puppets for all the kids in her class! My intentions were to put a bag of Teddy Grahams in each puppet, but with all the snow, I didn't want to make a special trip out to get them today. I checked my recipes and had all the ingredients on hand to make cut out cookies, instead - even a bear cookie cutter - who knew?! They turned out very good. I put 2 cookies in each puppet along with a sheet of stickers that Grandma also gave us. I hope Kendall's classmates enjoy them!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

kinda puts my caramel popcorn to shame :) That's a good idea about the half birthdays, Sara will just celebrate hers on June 9 instead of July 9. Nice job on the teddy bear cookies, looks like it was fun, too!!