Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 28, 2009

Did I mention Jacob's Kindergarten schedule? It is full days, every other day. So, one week he goes M-W-F, the next week he goes T-Th and so on. When there is a Monday holiday, the schedule flips days. I hope we can keep our days straight. Already, the bus driver thought Jacob should be on the bus when it wasn't his day. Yikes!

While Jacob was at school, I finally got around to making a baby blanket for a neighbor's little girl born early July. Her name is Charlotte, but they call her Charlie....isn't that cute? Anyway, Kendall was right with me helping along the way and it turned out good. Chenille on one side and flannel on the other, with some decorative stitching for flair.

Jacob got off the bus today and said he didn't cry. As a matter of fact, he told me he didn't miss me at all. Now, THAT's taking it a little too far, you know! Just kidding. He had a great day. And, we asked Nathan's parents at the bus stop if Nathan could come over and play on Monday.

Mark went bowling for work today (last year it was a golf outing, I guess they're cutting back). Well, his team won second place and he got a $20 gift card for Levis Commons. When he came home, he gave the gift card to me for new running shoes. I have been looking and trying on pairs for a while. Yeah!

After dinner, we zipped to Kendall's preschool for their ice cream social. The preschool has changed their program/classes around a bit, so Kendall has a new set of teachers this year. We met them and ate our ice cream. Once we were back home, I finished the dinner dishes and left for a "scrapbooking night" at a neighbor's house. I actually made some more pony-tail streamers. They are school themed and pretty cute!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Love the blanket, Miss Creativity!! Are you going to take up quilting now, too? Glad Jacob had a better day today.