Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 7, 2009

Mark took a day off work to help with the stone today. Well, actually, he decided to golf 18 holes in the morning and help me in the afternoon! We got the front DONE! Now, we just want some rain to wash off the is very dirty. Here is the end result:

The remaining stone. Hmmm...what to do, what to do. We are going to put some extra down in some areas we just did and we will use the rest of it in the back yard. However, we need to install landscaping edging and put more landscape fabric down. The pile might sit here for a little while until Mark & I get the back prepped.

Some new plants that I got at the perennial greenhouse near the lake last week.

All weeds.

This was the thistle patch area....I posted a picture on a previous post. Click here to see the mess it used to be!
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Nice job...that looks beautiful. Can't wait to see it in person someday!! I know that must have been a lot of work. Kudos!