Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 14, 2009

We had a nice weekend with friends: me with Catherine and Lisa Friday night, then with Annette and her family on Saturday; Mark with Burly on Friday and Saturday. I was looking forward to a productive Monday, since both kids were in school. I had planned on running with Lisa, trying to really get geared up for the race in a couple weeks.

However, when I hopped in the car to take Kendall to school, it wouldn't start and my "message center" was saying all sorts of strange things. I thought the electrical system was going haywire...I called the dealership and they guessed it was the ignition system. Soooo, instead of running with Lisa, I waited for a AAA tow truck to come and tow my car to the dealership. Well, when AAA arrived, they tried jumping my battery and that worked!!! I was able to pick Kendall up from school, then we had the battery replaced (it was the original, 8 years old). Can you believe our battery is under the back seat?? When they removed the back seat, I was busy cleaning up barrettes, goldfish crackers, crayons, etc. from under it while they hooked up the new battery! :)

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

What an odd place for a battery, but what an opportune time to make a quick clean up :)