Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 24, 2009

The week has been full with meetings, preparing food, gathering door prizes, etc. for the preschool's golf outing Saturday. I'm also getting mentally prepared for the 5K Race for the Cure on Sunday.

Also, Mom P's first cataract surgery went well Monday. Jacob's soccer practice was cancelled Tuesday due to rain - however, we didn't know that since Jose did NOT correct my email address (ugh). I attended a book club meeting Wednesday at the church. Jacob had school pictures today.

Kendall and I ran errands and met up with Aunt Bev and Mom. Along the way, Kendall got a much-needed hair cut. She looks so cute and well-groomed! :)
While we were running errands, Kendall became thirsty in the car. She told me she was praying to God that He would give her water. She said she just knew that God would bring her water. And, He answered her prayers! I pulled through McDonald's and got a cup of water (and a sweet tea for me).


johnsarakylenesmom said...

That is the cutest thing ever, I wonder if she'll use that for bigger things :)
Mom had cataract surgery about a month ago. Hers went well, did Mom P's go OK?

johnsarakylenesmom said...

I knew there was something else that I wanted to say...I just had to go back to your post to figure it out. Anyway, what book are you reading for your book club? Are you attending a church regularly now?