Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 3, 2009

<---My first attempt at french braiding Kendall's hair. A few wisps were missed here and there, but we did go out in public with them - so not terribly bad! :)

Jacob had school this morning. He got on the bus and I could see the bus driver say, "Hi, there, buddy!" in a bubbly voice. Well, as Jacob walked past her, I also saw her grimace. Jacob sat in his window seat, face in the window, bawling. Oh, my goodness! Nathan, his seat-mate, had a look of, "what do I do?" I smiled and waved 'goodbye' to him and gave him thumbs up. The other moms/dads at the bus stop were just as heartbroken. He got home and had a great day - although he said he cried once. Hmmm...

Oh, when Jacob got off the bus...Nathan asked his dad if he could come over to our house. It was approved and I said I would walk him home in an hour. Well, I was working on the rock landscape project (which I completed!) and the boys were playing outside with me. After 1/2 hour, Nathan's dad came by to pick him up instead. Nathan and Jacob were chasing each other in the yard with Nerf guns. I could gather from Nathan's dad that this was probably not an approved activity/toy. Now, I'm wondering if Nathan will ever be allowed to play at our house again?! I guess if it comes up in conversation, I will offer to put the Nerf guns away.... Needless to say, as they left, I could hear Nathan breathlessly ask his dad if he could play at Jacob's house again sometime. (sure! because we have the forbidden toys! oh, no!)
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Toy guns in the house that don't even look like guns...the horror :)