Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

It was Purple Day at school for Kendall, so she wore this purple dress that I call her "Snow Princess Dress." She really isn't fond of it, the fur bugs her, but I insisted since she was to wear purple to school! When she got home, I had her change so we could enjoy the 60 degree day on a bike ride. It's amazing that a winter's worth of snow can be gone in a matter of two days. Of course, that means lots of puddles and dirty snow left on the ground. Soooo....the kids had to change clothes again after we spent almost 3 hours outside. They were soaked and muddy.

Another drywaller stopped by the house to estimate the basement job this morning. He gave his quote right then and there. It was higher than our painter's estimate, so Mark told him he had expected it to be lower. Well, by the time Mark drove to work, the drywaller had called and left him a voicemail with a new number - a couple hundred less than our painter's. Mark didn't return his call yet, but probably will accept that bid and it might be started pretty soon. Woo hoo!

I actually won 4 tickets today from a local sports TV station to a University of Toledo vs. Bowling Green women's basketball game. I got an email this morning (as I was working on my scrapbooking class) that said the first 6 people to enter the contest would win tickets. So, I went to their website, filled out the information, and, about 10 minutes later, received an email saying I won. Jacob is super excited...he pumped his fists and yelled, "Yessss!" when I told him. He plays basketball everyday in the gym during free time at school. Plus, he plays basketball in the basement every night with his own hoop down there. The game is Thursday night, so he's counting down the hours.

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