Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 9, 2009

Getting back into the groove on a Monday! The only one in the house who doesn't have a problem waking up at the crack of dawn is Kendall! She was up at 6:30, talkative and ready to go for the day. Jacob, on the other hand, has to be woken every morning. On weekends, he'll just sleep and sleep.

Today was our weekly neighborhood playgroup in the morning. The host mom this week was brave enough to bake Valentine cookies and let the kids frost them! Surprisingly, the kids kept pretty clean - but, I still didn't dare let Kendall wear the Valentine dress Grandma P made for her! The children also exchanged Valentine's - everyone enjoyed it (thanks, Darlene!).

It has been a week since we had our painter come out for a drywall estimate and we still haven't seen the quote. I called him and he said the delay was due to computer problems, but he'd have the quote emailed to us tonight. Sure enough he did, and sure enough it was yet another quote higher than we expected! That's the way it goes when you have a home improvement project...

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