Friday, February 27, 2009

February 26, 2009

Well, I missed both Abraham Lincoln's birthday and President's Day for this photo opportunity! Better late than never. The kids posed in front of Abe's bust in our foyer to commemorate the holiday - late! I think I need to get a birthday hat for Abe to wear every February 12. Then, that leads to bunny ears for Easter and a Santa hat for Christmas. :)

The drywallers were done at 11:30am with hanging the drywall. They "cleaned," which consisted of quickly sweeping everything into one big, messy pile. Mark and I spent 4 hours re-cleaning: re-sweeping, then shop-vac'ing all the surfaces and organizing the drywall scraps by size and length. Mark hung some of the extra pieces of drywall to the interior of the furnace/hot water heater room that we did not have the contractors drywall. Mark figures we have about 1,500 sq. ft. of "finished" space down there. I have a feeling we'll be spending many more evenings "re-cleaning" during the course of the drywall installation.

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