Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

It was our typical Monday morning: take Jacob to school, come home and throw a meal in the crockpot, head out to the neighborhood playgroup with Kendall, pick Jacob up from school, make lunch, etc. After lunch, I took the foosball table top off our game table for air hockey. Kendall and Jacob had fun with that. In order to change the table over to air hockey, I also had to remove a top with a checkerboard and backgammon board on it. That tweaked Jacob's interest. I guess some kids at school play checkers with the teacher and he didn't know how. So, most of the afternoon was spent playing checkers, checkers, checkers. He also played with Mark after dinner and with me again after showers. He might be obsessed! However, he cries when I beat him at the game (yeah, I know, it's bad to be beat by ol' mom). I just can't let him win (well, maybe once I did). He'll learn the game better that way and learn that you don't always win, right? It will be interesting to see if he plays checkers at school tomorrow.

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