Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 16, 2009

Jacob needed a friend today, on his day off from school. We went to playgroup in the morning, but that just wasn't enough. We called Anna across the street, but she couldn't come over. Then, Jacob and Kendall watched a Noggin program called, "Little Bear." Well, Little Bear's mother sewed/knitted a "friend" for Little Bear. Jacob asked if I could do that. I admitted to him that I couldn't sew or knit as well as Little Bear's mother, but there was something else I could do. So, he watched in amazement as I stuffed an old shirt and pants with towels and socks and banded the arms and legs with rubber bands. I poked the head of his Yoda out the top and voila!: he had his own friend. We then played a couple board games with "Friend" (that's his name). Jacob showed him how to play some computer games. "Friend" also slept with Jacob tonight. Hmmm...maybe I should invite some of Jacob's real friends over?
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

You are just so creative and your kids are gonna love that for years to come :)