Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 18, 2009

Not a very exciting photo for today, but it is our toy box, unorganized. It gets a lot of use and I am looking forward to moving it down to the basement. The HVAC guys came today. Mark is kicking himself for hiring someone to drop 3 heating ducts, a cold air return, and install a vent. After seeing the work they did, he thinks he could've done the job himself and he would have positioned a couple things differently. Live and learn, I guess. On a positive note, they serviced our furnace and the job is DONE.

I spent the evening at bunko. It is always a good time and great food....this time Brazilian fare since Adriana hosted. Yum! And, most conversation was about suspicious people in the neighborhood lately and other shinanigans going on in the Toledo area. One friend even called the sheriff yesterday. Hmmm...I guess it's a reminder to never completely let your guard down.
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