Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009

Happy reading for you! I am finally updating the's hard to believe I let it go again for over a week. I think Spring Break interrupted my usual computer time. :) Since I've started this blog, I have definitely taken more pictures: Jan (100), Feb (171), Mar (136). I notice that I recharge my digital camera battery about 1x per week, rather than once every few months! It has been a fun project...

Today was a cleaning day! I was going to give the upstairs a quick clean and the downstairs a more thourogh clean....well, I went overboard upstairs and spent more time cleaning than intended. So, I didn't get much done downstairs besides moving the couches to vacuum behind/under them!- and lots of laundry was done. At least I know upstairs is spotless!!

In yesterday's mail was an Easter package from Pam, Wayne and kids. In it was a "Scene It" Disney game. We got it out this morning and played a round. The kids definitely have more movies to watch to be really good at it, but it was a lot of fun. Thanks, Pam!
Mark is borrowing my dad's pick-up truck this weekend and brought home some lumber to get started on more shelves and cabinets that he plans to build. Wish us lots of luck on that! :) One side of the garage is now his "woodworking shop."

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