Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 14, 2009

Both Jacob and Kendall were back in school this morning. They were excited to go back and see their friends after a 10 day break. I used the opportunity to get my hair cut....6+ inches were removed! Mark still recognized me when he got home and said he liked it. Whew!

Anna and Ashley, neighbor girls from across the street, are on spring break this week and came over to play with Jacob and Kendall for a while this afternoon. They just turned 10 last week.

Mark is continuing to build cabinets for the bar and snack bar areas in the basement. They are looking good....we just need to figure out how to stain them when he's done. He also finished hooking up all his speakers and was enjoying his music tonight!
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1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

Still no pics of the new hair??