Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 29, 2009

Kendall and I picked up Jacob's birthday presents this was hard to not buy everything for him!! It's also hard to believe he will be 6 years old on Saturday! He is excited to have his friends over to play on Friday for a little birthday party (his first real party). I made 48 cupcakes this afternoon for his class and the party. We should have plenty left over! Yum!

Tonight was the neighborhood Ladies Night Out. We did a Creative Memories scrapbooking class. Now I know why I stick to digital....the "undo" command is priceless! I got a bit frustrated and gave up on the album we were to be making. I didn't seem to have enough paper, stuff kept getting lost in the shuffle...I'll just stick to digital! :)

Kendall has finally learned to write her name legibly in the last couple weeks. Here is a "picture" she drew today. She has almost perfected her last name, too!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

So, digital is for the OCD, huh? You crack me up. Probably going from digital to paper would be very hard.