Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

Well, it's the last day of the month. A most anticipated/dreaded/ busy/chaotic day when I was in the financial, working world. I've traded those days for attending Kendall's field trip to a local greenhouse , teaching Jacob how to play chess, and making Jello cups & other goodies for his little b-day party tomorrow! Speaking of which, the weather better dry out quick so the boys can play outside....keeping fingers crossed for that. It was certainly soggy today.

(Kendall is hidden in the crowd of children in this picture during the field trip.)

Oh, and Jacob has informed Kendall that this was the last day of April: No more "April Sools!" See post here to see what I mean!

1 comment:

johnsarakylenesmom said...

We just bought a combination checker/chess/backgammon board for the kids. John is into playing checkers on the computer, so we're going to start playing with him on a real board. We thought we'd take it camping with us this weekend just in case it rains.