Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 21, 2009

Another dreary, cold day here in NWOhio. Everytime I pack the winter coats away, I need to pull them out again - and today was one of those days.
I putzed around the house and got meat at the Andersons while the kids were in school this morning. After lunch, we went to grandma and grandpa P.'s house to drop off Kennedy's gift. They are taking it with them to visit Kim, Joe and kids for a long weekend. When we got home, a message was waiting for us that Jacob's soccer practice was cancelled for this evening. (thank goodness...I wasn't looking forward to sitting through it in the cold drizzle!)

I did notice that my daffodils are about ready to bloom. The only reason why this is blog-worthy is because they have not bloomed for at least 2 years. I was going to dig the bulbs up last fall, but had forgotten where they were planted. Things that make you go, "hmmm." I'm just looking forward to their little splash of color.

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