Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009

Now, today was picture-perfect: 85 degrees, mild breeze. I moved my attention to the front flower beds this morning for almost 3 hours and got about 1/2 done. I am really hoping we get mulch this year. You see, Mark had decided not to get mulch for a few years because he wanted it to break down to soil, then put landscape stone in. Well, I have a feeling he's not going to want to pay for the landscape stone this year (with all the basement work we've done) and the weeds are really almost out of control. I don't think I can keep up with it another year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he sees the predicament and just get a load (or two) of mulch. We'll save the stone project on our list of "Things To Do in the Future."

Mark did finish the back of all the cabinets today and he nailed them in place. Now, we are to the point of staining them. Don't they look great? They are just going to be open shelves under the counter, with the exception of doors on the sink cabinet. There are more pics HERE (scroll to the bottom for recent pictures).

Jacob also had his second soccer game. Didn't I say it was a "picture-perfect day" at the beginning of this post. Well, it DOWNPOURED during the game and the ref's actually called the game off at 1/2 time. Of course, the sun was back out by the time we got home!

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