Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

The electrician called this morning to see if he could come over and finish up the job (he was waiting on a few things on order). He was to come over in an hour, but 3 hours later he finally showed (after I cancelled out of playgroup, of course). Too bad we like the guy so much. He is very meticulous in his work and Mark has enjoyed talking about classic cars with him.

It was a rainy day and we again had water in the same spot in the basement. We need to bite the bullet and call someone in to repair it.

Kendall and I baked some bread this morning. We all went to Target this afternoon and picked up Star Wars invitations for the 5 boys in Jacob's class. We are going to have them over for a little birthday party after school on May 1. That should be fun...

I purged the attic in anticipation of our upcoming neighborhood garage sale. I just need to go through it all, sorting and pricing. Last year about 50 homes participated in the neighborhood.

Mark is working on the cabinets for the bar area. They are coming along great!

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