Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009

With the screen and projector set up now, Jacob asked to watch Star Wars in the basement this morning. He was enthralled and could hardly break for lunch. After lunch, he hunkered down to finish the movie while Mark worked on building the cabinets for the bar area down there. Kendall and I spent the afternoon SHOPPING. She is such a good shopper (like mother, like daughter!). Our main mission was to find Kennedy a birthday present. We went to Target, Toys R Us, Party City, and the mall. Kendall loved walking through the mall - gosh, we haven't been there since Christmas time! As a special treat along the way, we drove through McDonald's for a sweet tea (me) and a kid-size Coke (Kendall). She thought that was the best. She loves pop, but only gets it on special occasions. We finally got home around 5:30 - just in time to fix some dinner. It was a good shopping day.

Oh, speaking of sweet tea, at the soccer game yesterday, another mom shared her mints with me: SWEET TEA mints - boy, they were good. They are part of the Ice Breaker brand that come in disk-shaped containers. I will definitely have to find them.

Tonight, during showers/teeth brushing, Jacob turns to me and very seriously asks if I can call him "Jedi" from now which I replied, "Yes, young Jedi." :)

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