Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 25, 2009

It was a summer-like day....temperatures reached 85 degrees. With such a hot day in April, there was surely lots of wind. Jacob had soccer practice, which was a make-up for cancelled practice when it was in the 40's and rainy earlier in the week! Then, we headed over to Lisa's house to meet their new kitten, Pico. Kendall, of course, played with the kitten the whole time...the kitten took her man-handling pretty well :). Then, we basically spent the entire day outside. I focused on getting the back flower beds weeded while the kids played the majority of the time in the sandbox. Mark worked, worked, worked on the cabinets in the basement and got the frame of the audio cabinet built.
The best part of my day was sitting on the back deck, after the kids were in bed, and reading (I'm still getting through "The Shack") with a cold brewski! It was really a pleasant forecast of the summer yet to come!

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